Before you buy package you can register an Trustwallet account.
It is a wallet where you can buy XRP
Revolut is good to have if you will pay with it instead of your bankcard. Often we can help you buy package too. Ask us. Tokenprice gonna rice to 1 dollar. it is listed now on LBank for 1 dollar. Now it is price 10 cent.
Register SuperOne - Joins SuperOne. If they ask for referalcode it is connect. If you need help contact us.
Buy lootboxes
Entry Package
With this package you get 100 Supertokens and it is startpackage for affiliates.
Price: 10 usd
40Super Tokens
2 Players Token - (2persons to your team)
Level 1-4
Silver Packet
With this package you now can collect some NFT from SupeOne´s NFT Store. You now earn money when someone use your card. You also get staking from tokens.
Price 250 usd
1000 Super Tokens
50 Players Token - (50 persons to your team)
2 Brons o Silver Cards NFT
2 Brons o Silver Spaces NFT
2 Brons o Silver Towers NFT
Level 1-4
Platinum Packet
With this package you now can collect some NFT from SupeOne´s NFT Store. You now earn money when someone use your card. You also get staking from tokens.
Price 5000 usd
Infinity Bonus
5070 Players Tokens - (5070 persons to your team)
4 Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum Cards NFT
4 Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum Spaces NFT
4 Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum Towers NFT
Level 1-8
Bronze Package
With this package you now can collect some NFT from SupeOne´s NFT Store. You now earn money when someone use your card. You also get staking from tokens.
Price: 50 usd
400 Super Tokens
20 Players Token - (20 persons to your team)
20 % Directs Referals bonus
2 Bronze Cards NFT
2 Bronze Spaces NFT
2 Bronze Towers NFT
Level 2-4
Gold Packet
With this package you now can collect some NFT from SupeOne´s NFT Store. You now earn money when someone use your card. You also get staking from tokens. From this Packets you also has access too Superpool.
Price: 500 usd
4500 Super Tokens
288 Players Tokens - (288 persons to your team)
4 Bronze/Silver/Gold Cards NFT
4 Bronze/Silver/Gold Spaces NFT
4 Bronze/Silver/Gold Towers NFT
Level 1-6
Diamond Packet
With this package you now can collect some NFT from SupeOne´s NFT Store. You now earn money when someone use your card. You also get staking from tokens.
Price 25000 usd
350000 Super Tokens
39200 Players Tokens /39200 persons to your team)
4 Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum Cards NFT
4 Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum Spaces NFT
4 Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum Towers NFT
Level 1-10
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